
Building a Bamboo Bike – Day 7

OK, I have now brought the Bambii bike frame into my basement. The next thing to do is varnioshing the joints and the bamboo. The Joints are getting varnished with epoxy (what else?) and the bamboo with boat varnish. I use Le Tonkinois for this.

bamboo bike frame gets painted
painting the frame with epoxy

Even though it’s not mentions on the can, you should ad some thinner to the varnish as it will peel off pretty soon otherwise whise is very annoying.

Le Tonkinois – yoou need to water it down with 75% turpentine

I do this at home, as the varnish needs to dry for about 4 hours for every layer and you need about 4 layers of varnish. To add a layer only takes about 5 minutes.

this is what it looks like now…